Oil Paintings by Jane Goodfellow

Oil brush iconThe classic, rich look of oil paintings

The classic, rich look of oil paintings is hard to beat for depth of colour and a luxuriant feel, and I just love the smell of the paint while I’m busy. Oils take the longest of all the media to do as they need a lot of drying time, so if you need an oil painting for a special occasion, please order it some time in advance.

NOTE: Oil paintings have a classic look and a timeless appeal.




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How to commission me


  1. Look at the different media (pencil, oil, etc.) and pick your favourite.
  2. Think of a size, either to fit an existing frame, or any size you'd like your final picture to be.
  3. Find a few photos of your pet/person/scenery.
  4. Complete the CONTACT form and upload your photos.
  5. Done! It's that simple!
    I will contact you with a quote.

Illustrations / Logos / Graphic Design

  1. Complete the CONTACT form
  2. Under DETAILS fill in your requirements and I will contact you to discuss.


  1. Complete the CONTACT form
  2. In the DETAILS field, outline what you require, and I will contact you.

Buy a Gift Voucher

If the portrait is to be a surprise gift and you can't get hold of photos without giving the game away, why not give a Gift Voucher? The recipient can then send me her/his favourite photos.

Details on Gift Voucher page.

Jane Goodfellow Gift Voucher


Commissioning me (whether for an artwork, or for writing and editing), couldn't be easier - just click on the Contact Me button, fill out the form and I'll get back to you

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